Today's #educationedition #WCW is an educator I met during an extremely pivotal point in my professional journey. Ms. Chastity Claiborne, my former co-worker, my forever friend.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-11
“2 people are better off than 1, for they can help each other succeed. If 1 person falls, the other can reach out & help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, 2 people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can 1 be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but 2 can stand back-to-back & conquer.”
Chastity, aka CC, & I met when I'd stepped out on faith in leaving my first "teacher of record" job. It took me much longer than expected to even get my first teaching job but I knew that if I didn't leave that environment, my love for the profession would continue to dwindle. SO, I answered the call to teach summer school in another school district.
During the 1 hour training for that summer, they didn't know what they wanted CC & me to teach OR if we would be needed to teach. 0_0
Our directive was to "just become familiar with everything so that if we have something for you, you're ready." Everything included:
- 5th grade math
- 5th grade science
- 5th grade reading
- 6th grade math
- 6th grade reading
When she & I truly looked at one another, we both bit our top lip because the "are you sh*tting me" laughter was about to bubble all the way over!!!
That day, CC & I begin working on our game plan, learned "everything", & didn't even realize that we hadn't introduced ourselves to one another until we were exchanging phone numbers 3 hours later. When I tell you that the two of us rocked the mess out of summer school, I am so not exaggerating! We BOTH got job offers that summer because of it!
You are such a powerful force of goodness & I'll forever be 1 of your biggest fans! Thank You for being an authentic survivor and the G.O.A.T. Educator for me when I needed it most @chasclai1!