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As I am looking to the upcoming school year, I am also reflecting on the past couple of years. This took me directly to March 2020 when the big "switch" was made to remote learning. I immediately panicked... not for myself but for my colleagues. Most of my teammates were die-hard pencil/paper teachers that'd greatly resisted most things "tech" that was not mandated.
So I would send them tips and tricks to help soothe those "please help" eyes 🥺 [you know the Will Smith look in "The Pursuit of Happyness" 😂] that I would see during our Google Meet calls. Oh yeah, even Google Meet caused mayhem across the district... but that's a whole different matter.
One such trick was for them to have a "super-duper GREAT" moment to share and a "what the holy crap was I thinking" moment from the week. The main thing that I wanted them to realize is that we are ALL the entire range of these moments... that's what makes up great educators! When we can recognize that we have those "Bruno Mars 24K Magic" superstardom days, as well as, the "uh oh, I forgot to watch that YouTube video ALL the way through" days, we are taking great steps towards being the best that we can be every single day and THAT IS ENOUGH!!

Included in a simple "Find Someone Who" Bitmoji edition that you can use with your team and with your scholars. Click the link to get the item for free from The G.O.A.T. Educator website and ENJOY!!! 😊