This week's G.O.A.T. Educator website "Great Item Friday" is the August edition of our Daily Fun Holidays Calendar.

Before I started looking for ways to "fun up" my brain breaks and exit tickets, I only thought about and celebrated the "well-known" holidays like... the 4th of July!
There are so many different holidays that your scholars and colleagues will enjoy learning about and celebrate such as the August 13th holiday, "International Lefthanders Day".
"International Lefthanders Day" was first observed by the founder of Lefthanders International, Inc. — Dean R. Campbell, in 1976. and has been celebrated every year since. From the 1600s, when left-handed people were thought of as being in cahoots with the devil, to the present day, they continue to face difficulties and challenges in accomplishing tasks.
Some of the greatest people in history were/are left-handed, like Mother Teresa, Barack Obama, Walt Disney, Bill Gates, Charlie Chaplin, Mark Zuckerberg, and Albert Einstein, to name a few.
#DailyFunHolidays August Calendar:
These fun facts and activities are great to use as a Warm-Up, Brain Break, Lesson opener or to hang in your classroom!
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