"Enjoying these summer scenes as much as possible over the next 10 days..."

Our home was damaged during the Texas Winter Freeze this year and needed quite a bit of structural work done. At the same time, my hubby had major surgery while my kid was still in school virtually and me teaching as well. Oh yeah, did I mention that we were staying in a hotel during all of this?
We couldn't really plan any trips for the kid because of doctor visits, physical therapy post-surgery, the times that we needed to be at the house for insurance adjuster visits, demolition, water mitigation, follow up adjuster visits, contractor negotiations, plumbers, and the list goes on and on and on.
The most that we could do was schedule in city activities that she could participate in like basketball camp, art classes, etc. Even with that, my main concern was that she wouldn't be able to jump back in and be truly "social" with her peers. Oh so slowly, it started happening and she'd tell me about a cool chick that she met at camp or how tired "they" were after their game or a funny story that someone talked about during art.
She's not full steam ahead BUT there's some movement. It may not seem like much but for a kid who has pretty much only had mom and dad as her crew for the last year and a half and who was a little weird (which I absolutely LOVE about her) to begin with, this was good!
Today's activity was an impromptu affair and you could just see the tension and anxiousness in the "big kids"... but they got into a rhythm, started to connect, and has into a full-on evening event full of good fellowship, good food, good people, and all-around good times.
I'm stinky, bitten up by bugs, tired but am oh so happy and will enjoy this last week and a half to the fullest!!!